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Dia Mirza
is an actress
who has a lot of poise and
glamour and so reading up
on her in the July issue was a
real pleasure. Knowing that
she is such an independent
woman makes me like her
even more. I loved the issue
for all its stories, specially
Cholesterol Myths Exposed
The Hungry Mind.
Thanks for
the suggestions on dealing
with both cholesterol and
emotional eating.
Saakshi Mehra
Dream Design
BHG is a visual delight, edition after
edition, and of course the content too
is equally excellent. It’s the choice of
pictures, colours, and layouts that makes
it absolutely irresistible. In fact I am
tempted to store the magazine for later
reference. Can you please suggest which
plants can be used for long-lasting green
arrangements in summer months in
North India? Thanks.
Life’s Like That
The July 2011 issue of BH&G was my
very first read of the magazine and
it prompted me to share with you an
unforgettable experience of when my
-year-old son took on the responsibility
of maintaining and developing a terrace
garden all by himself, (to strengthen his
poor eyesight on a doctor’s advice), at
the cost of his playtime. This episode
transformed a stubborn child into a
mature person.
Anju Khetaipal
T reasure Trove
Firstly, let me congratulate you guys
for your wonderful work. Every issue of
BHG is a treasure of ideas. I particularly
love your garden section. Also, can I
request you to include some sewing
ideas too in the magazine— they would
be of great help. Keep up the good work.
Sindhu Jagan M
M aid M ania
Through your story on
How Safe is
you have virtually made all
housewives deceit-proof. I am sure no
maid can pass through these scanners
unchecked, provided every woman does
her homework honestly. This feature,
I think, will go a long way in the life
of today’s homemakers. It is an era of
acting, and not just reacting. Today we
need quick solutions to situations that
your article gives us.
CONTACT US! We’d love to hear from you. E-MAIL
Trans asia India Ltd., 323, Udyog Vihar Phase-IV, Gurgaon-122016, Haryana.